Sad News – Kenneth Garfinkel z’l

With sorrow, I am writing to inform you that on Shabbat our dear friend Larry Garfinkel (Sandi Karmel) lost his beloved brother Kenneth Garfinkel – Akiva ben Yisrael v’Miriam.
Kenneth Garfinkel was a consummate educator, reaching many young people who might, otherwise, have slipped through the educational system. He was devoted to his family and served as family historian, chronicling the Garfinkel family’s roots in the Ukraine. He will be terribly missed by Larry and Sandi and by his nephews Gabe, Michael, and Daniel, and their families.
The funeral will be held tomorrow, Tuesday February 7, at 11:00 am, at the Schara Tzedeck Cemetery, 2345 Marine Drive, New Westminster.
A shiva minyan and gathering will take place tomorrow evening (Tuesday) at 6:30PM, at the home of Larry Garfinkel and Sandy Carmel in Vancouver.
May his memory be for a blessing – Yehe zichro baruch.

1 Comment

  1. We sometimes forget that as life passes it changes for those dear to us. If not for Covid it would be something else that distracts us from one another, such is life in this century.
    Ken was a wonderful person to spend time with playing pool, enjoying a nice scotch, talking nautical… invitation out on his boat brought my father into his life, and before his passing he recalled that event as something special. An awesome host…
    Ken, I missed you before you left. You meant something to me, and I was interested in so much more learning from you. An awesome teacher……

    תהיה עם אלוהים, לצידו, נזכור אותך. רוחות יפות מאחוריך, מים שקטים לפניך…