Sneg Mortgage Team
The Sneg Mortgage Team
Sneg Mortgage Team took it upon itself to lead the way with a unique concept in the mortgage field. Jacob and Rinatsee themselves as more than the standard mortgage broker in Vancouver. They work on providing a complete financial solution to families and investors, using a mortgage as the most cost effective and efficient tool to achieve wishes and goals.
Setting you with the right mortgage is the technical piece of this approach and serves as a mean to the end.
This is why Rinat and Jacob will take the time to get to really know you. Listening to what is said and what is not is the major part of the exploration phase. Together they will widen your choices and allow you to envision more than one option to reach your desires. They will guide you in setting short term and long term goals and will create a plan to reach them.
The execution will happen after the plan is laid out. Sneg mortgage team surrounds itself with the best professionals, specialized in niches, areas and properties that maximize your choices in growing your money. Best realtors, appraisers, lawyers, moving companies, renovators and property management services are only part of the team offered by Rinat and Jacob to take your adventure to the next level.
The relationship does not end when you get your house’s keys, it only begins there. Sneg mortgage team watches closely the market on a daily basis to see what can be done for you. Don’t be surprised if only after 1.5 or 2 years into the term you’ll get a phone call. They already calculated and found that if you’ll break your current contract and move to the best deal offered today, you’ll be able to save thousands on the remaining time for the term.
Yes, all calculations take into account your net savings after paying a penalty and other costs. And it’s not a coincident that the penalty turns out to be low, it’s one of the features that made them pick this mortgage program for you. Initially when Sneg mortgage team chose for you the mortgage, they aimed for one that carries most flexibilities and allows a lower penalty.
This is how as Vancouver mortgage brokers, the Sneg Team provides a focused goal, dedicated planning and proactive mortgage management, you save money, not only on the initial low rate but throughout your mortgage term. It’s also important to feel comfortable with your home purchase. The Sneg Team provides high-level mortgage solutions in an open and professional atmosphere. Jacob and Rinat speak English, Hebrew and Russian.