Yossilinks asks newcomers #1

Read the interview submitted from Shayna from Los Angeles, a teacher/journalist new to our city.

YL: What is the first thing you needed when you moved to Vancouver?
A: Even before I moved to Vancouver, I knew I needed to have a home base, even a temporary one, to get started. I searched on websites, such as Craigslist and real estate agents. But the solution came when a friend suggested Airbnb, used mostly by people on vacation. I found a fully furnished suite for rent at a moderate price for a full month. And that’s where I started.

YL: What is the first thing you wanted when you moved to Vancouver?
A: I wanted to make contact with Jewish Vancouver, for social, professional and spiritual reasons. For example, I needed to find out where to get kosher foods because I keep kosher. I needed to explore the community and find a good fit for me. I sought out the Jewish Community Centre and the Jewish Independent newspaper for information and contacts and resources.

YL: What has been challenging in your resettlement?
A: Everything! Seriously, once I got past the feeling of being a mere tourist, I had to confront the reality of professional employment because I didn’t arrive with a job offer. And jobs in my profession are not plentiful, even though I am fully qualified with British Columbia certification. This is a challenging time, economically, for many people in B.C.

YL: What was the first connection you made with your familiar Jewish culture?
A: My first connection was the JCCGV and synagogues. I began “temple-hopping” almost from my first Shabbat here.

YL: What services have you needed since arriving in Vancouver?
A: Services? Hmmm…Housing. Renting a car. Buying furniture. Food markets. Clothing.

YL: What do you like about Vancouver?
A: I like the vitality of this city, the movement and diversity on the streets.
People see each other daily, rub shoulders and, for the most part, are civil to each other. I think Vancouver has some of the nicest bus drivers in the world! And, of course, the drop-dead gorgeous natural environment of Vancouver is totally seductive!

YL: How do you feel about the weather here in Vancouver?
A: I hear Vancouverites complain all the time about the weather, but honestly, I like the variability of the weather here. Yes, it rains, pours, and storms a lot, but there are also some glorious, sunny break-throughs and then those drizzly-grey but quiet days I love.

YL: What are some of your favorite spots in Vancouver?
A: I’m still exploring the city, Lower Mainland and environs, but I love Stanley Park, the Sea wall, Van Dusen Gardens, Granville Island (on grey-drizzly days) and the North Shore. I plan to get out of Vancouver and really see the province.

YL: How long have you been in Vancouver?
A: Almost 7 months.

YL: How did you hear about Yossilinks?
A: From Yossi himself!

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Yossilinks asks newcomers #1
