Win $50 Real Canadian Superstore Gift Certificate (September 2018) – WE HAVE A WINNER!!

The winner for the Yossilinks $50 gift certificate is Erez Yarhi

If prize is not claimed within 30 days (from October 10th, 2018), the gift certificate will be carried over to the next draw.

Win $50 Real Canadian Superstore Gift Certificate

Yossilinks Media Inc. is giving away

$50 Gift Certificate

to the

Real Canadian Superstore

(on Marine Drive and Main Street, Vancouver)


Win $50 Superstore Gift Certificate from Yossilinks Media Inc. 

To enter for a chance to win:

STEP 1: Enter your full name and email, click “Win $50 Gift Certificate”.

STEP 2: Do at least one of the following simple steps:

  • Share this page using one of the Social media links.
  • Leave a comment below telling us what would you buy with the Gift Certificate.

Contest ends on October 9th at 23:59 pm.

The name of the winner will be published in the newsletter on October 10th.

If prize is not claimed within 30 days (from October 10th, 2018), the gift certificate will be carried over to the next draw.


TrophyWIN $50 Superstore Gift Certificate
Days Left
This contest expired.


  1. I live in the Fraser Valley, where there is very limited availability of Israeli and Kosher food. If I won, I’d stock up on Israeli products and food, next time I come to the city!

  2. If I win the $50.00 gift certificate I will use it to buy food for a very special family reunion

  3. I would love to buy the kosher chocolate cookie dough and some of their kosher meat with the $50.

  4. It will help to buy kosher food at superstore it’s always a challenge to make ends meet when all things from rent to groceries go up . Every little bit helps B”H ..

  5. Best supply of Kosher food is available at Superstore I will use the price to stock up more Kosher food supplies.

  6. I will spend much more than the $50 on kosher chicken, chocolate chai tea, breyers ice cream, ace frozen bread, grape juice and other goodies in the kosher food aisle.

  7. I would buy Kosher Off Tov chicken nuggets, Osem Israeli cous cous, kosher pretzels, kosher potato bourekas, challah,

  8. I would buy my 10 month old all the baby food (puffs, squeeze tubes, fruit, veg) that we could buy with $50!

  9. With Marat’s patience & detailed recipe I attempted and ( successfully) prepared my first brisket a few months ago. I would buy another brisket & try to prepare this one slightly less spicy than I did the first one.