A Thank You Note to My Community of Friends – Charlotte and Family

A Thank You Note

On June 19th, my mother Regina Kerbel, passed away peacefully in her sleep at the age of 102.
This is a thank you note to my community of friends.
No matter how close we are to our friends, our busy lives don’t allow for daily, weekly or even monthly connection with each other.
But during the times of greatest need, friends reach out to provide support, care and love.
Over the last 4 years, I spend many hours at the Louis Brier looking after my mother.
Caring for our parents at the end of their lives is a very humbling and at times, heart breaking experience.
This past year was most difficult. But I was not alone. The visits, the meals, the thoughtfulness of my “community” of friends, eased the challenge and brought joy to my mother.
I would like to express my deepest feeling of gratitude to my friends as well as to individuals who I have had the privilege of knowing over the many years, for your outpouring of love and support, as well as the meaningful donations in my mother’s blessed memory.
Thank you!
Charlotte and Family

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