Sad News – Lynora (Lyn) Betty Marmorstein Fox z’l

It is with deep sadness that we inform you of the passing of Lynora (Lyn) Betty Marmorstein Fox (Leah bat Sarah v’ Chayyim), mother of Or Shalom member Michal Fox, at her home on Erev Shabbat, at the age of 96.

Survived by one of her four siblings, Barbara Jacobson, Lyn is mourned by her children, grandchildren and great grandchildren:

Batya and her husband Sami Cohen, their children Tmira and Yosef Elimelech and grandchildren Carmel, Daniele and Eden, Limor and Yitzchak Hasson and their children Yarden and Amit, Natan and Rikki Cohen and their children Aviv, Maayan and Lavi, and Sarai and Tomer Ifergan and their children Lian, Tamar and Sahar, Saul Fox and his children Noah, Abigail and Jordan, and Michal Fox and her children Yehuda, Sophia and Miriam.

Lyn will also be remembered by her nieces and nephews, Ben Aaron and Judy Jacobson, William, Joan, Amy and Jeffrey Tecosky, and Fred and Jonathan Marmorstein.

A private, family funeral took place at the Schara Tzedeck cemetery today and streamed on Michal’s Facebook page beginning sometime between 3:30 and 4:30 pm. The funeral was followed by a first shiva minyan for immediate family.

Tuesday, October 27, Wednesday, October 28, Thursday, October 29 and Saturday evening, October 31, we will hold virtual minyanim at 7:30 pm.

The Zoom link to the service is here. The Zoom link will be opened 20 minutes before the service for your condolence visits.

Or Shalom’s transliterated siddur for times of mourning can be found here.
May Her Memory Be For a Blessing.

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