Sad News – Harold Sadoff z’l

It is with deep sadness that we inform you of the passing of Harold Sadoff z’l, husband of Jackie Sadofffather of Ross Sadoff (Rabbi Tendler) Zayde of Hannah Sofia and Ella.

Hal was both a pharmacist and a lawyer by trade. He never met a stranger, striking up conversations or friendly debates with everyone and anyone. He read the paper from front to back daily. Most of all, he loved his family. Ross fondly recalls how Hal would take him to legal trials as a kid and would offer him blessings each Friday night, doing so virtually in his adult life. As Ella says, “Zayde was fun and playful; he liked to sit on the floor with us (to build, read, play or simply take joy in watching us).” Hannah Sofia describes him as “the best Zayde ever!”

We offer our condolences to the entire family.
May his memory forever be a blessing.

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