Sad News – Bert Schreiber z’l

We regret to inform you of the passing of, Professor Bert Schreiber z’l, the grandfather of Meira Federgrun (Rabbi Ari Federgrun,  Associate Rabbi of Schara Tzedeck).  

Funeral will take place in Detroit and burial in Israel, the family will be sitting Shiva in Detroit and then New York. 

The Federgrun family is currently away on summer vacation. As Dr. Bert Schreiber z’l was a lifelong educator and professor at Wayne State University, donations to the Shalhevet School, where Mrs. Federgrun serves as Head of School, are greatly appreciated. 

May his memory be for a blessing.

1 Comment

  1. Prof. Bert Schreiber was a first cousin.

    All/most of your news is sad. How about keeping a small database of positive divrei Torah and publishing one item along with every sad one. Or better yet, publish your database and request that others from everywhere add to it. Examples would be quotes from various sforim and real life chesed accomplishments.

    Pesach Rogoway, Petach Tikva