Purchase Israeli Wine to Support Israel and Against Hatred Spread Around BC by Anti-Semitic Organizations

Next week, a number of anti-Zionist and anti-Semitic organizations are orchestrating an Israeli wine boycott at BC Liquor Stores. This boycott is intended to single out the State of Israel, as these groups have never taken any steps to propose boycotts of products from notorious human rights abusers like Turkey, China, etc. These groups have a long history of justifying and promoting terrorism against Israeli’s and in many cases against Jews.

In solidarity with the state of Israel, from May 13th to 17th, and with the support of numerous Jewish organizations, we are orchestrating a “Buycott”. By purchasing Israeli wine off the shelves of your nearest BC Liquor store, we demonstrate that the Jewish community, and our supporters, won’t be bullied by thinly veiled tactics of intimidation and hatred against our people and the state of Israel.

There are a number of Israeli wines sold at BC Liquor Stores Locations, ranging between 16-25$, with some stores having a wider selection than others. Visit the online catalog (http://www.bcliquorstores.com/product-catalogue) for more information.


1 Comment

  1. I don’t drink but for this occasion I purchased a couple bottles at the local BC liquor store to support Israel!