Hebrew Free Loan Association

Hebrew Free Loan Association

At the Hebrew Free Loan Association of Vancouver, we are proud of our distinctive approach to philanthropy.

Thanks to our innovative practice of recycling loan funds, every donation to a Named Loan Fund, whether it was made decades ago or more recently, continues to have a meaningful impact on the community that creates a lasting legacy of support and empowerment.

In our commitment to maintaining strong connections with our Named Loan Fund donors and their descendants, we are currently undertaking a comprehensive update of our records. Our goal is to confirm and update the contact profiles associated with each and every one of our Named Loan Funds.

With this goal in mind, we kindly invite all members of our community to click the blue box below to review a list of all of our Named Loan Funds to see if you are associated with any. If you are, we encourage you to confirm or add your contact information by completing a quick and simple online form.

View our Named Loan fund List Here

We believe that there are many community members who are not aware that their parent, grandparent, or another beloved individual has established a Named Loan Fund with HFLA. Therefore, we encourage all recipients of this email to thoroughly review this impressive list of generous donors.

For those of you that have a Named Loan Fund with us, please just take a minute to update your profile by clicking the blue link above to add your children and grandchildren’s contact information to our records. This will allow us to ensure that your descendants are kept informed about the ongoing impact of your Named Fund for many generations to come.

Todah Rabah!
P.S. If you would like to learn more about starting a Named Loan Fund, please simply reply to this email and we would be delighted to share more.

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Hebrew Free Loan Association
