DebbieWinks – Debbie’s Blog from Israel # 4


DebbieWinks — Blog #4 — April, 2023


Shalom to all of you awaiting this somewhat belated fourth blog entry.

Since Yom HaShoah, Israel’s Remembrance Day, and celebrations of Israel’s 75thyear of celebrating independence-Yom Ha’Atzmaut, I have been consumed with listening, learning, watching, crying, honoring, commemorating, celebrating and dancing in the streets!

It is hard to express what I have been feeling the last couple of weeks and I think if you listen to Daniel Gordis’s recent podcasts… Israel from the Inside, you will learn more. ( Daniel Gordis quotes his colleague Yossi Klein Halevi who is one of my favorite voices of reason from the Hartman Institue in Jerusalem as saying, “one cannot understand Israel if you don’t know the soundtrack.”

I have always loved listening to Hebrew music and am utterly amazed by the plethora of lyrical richness of the songs of so many talented Israeli singers. Songs are sung deep ‘from the inside’ and resonate with vitality, energy, Jewish pride, and many sung with heartbreaking sorrow. Nonetheless many notes are heartfelt and at times can feel emotionally reachable or unbearable! One of my favorite singers is Hanan Ben Ari who writes his own lyrics and sings with joyful and cathartic truth telling.

I was thrilled to find out that Ben Ari is my neighbor here in Pardess Hanna and goes to the same synagogue that Yossi and I go to. His tunes and words are sung from deep within and have a universal appeal. His humility and faith reverberate in his many soundtracks!

I am now living in Israel and exposed to an intense Israeli soundtrack. Many Israelis ask me: Why I am here or, What made me want to come during these very difficult times?

And I just have to listen to Hebrew songs, old and new and the answers are there for me. When listening to them I feel and hear my heart beat, at times want to cry and often want to dance with utter pride and joy, especially if I listen to my neighbor’s incredible tunes!!!

Yours from the inside of Israel,

Debbie Winks 😊


Debbie Havusha

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DebbieWinks – Debbie’s Blog from Israel # 4
