DebbieWinks – Debbie’s Blog from Israel # 3



DebbieWinks — Blog #3 — March, 2023

Shalom again……

Alas…. The Hebrew month of Adar is coming to an end; the month that we are obliged to access an abundance of happiness!  A month that things become topsy-turvy and one must disguise, mask and reveal what shows up, in a parade of happy steps!

In Israel this past month there was indeed lots of laughter and costumes galore, juxtaposed with tragic events and an abundance of protests and marches on the streets!!

Please note that my monthly blog postings are not intended to be political but descriptive and expressive of what Debbiewinks is beholding.

This morning I listened to a podcast sent to me by my son Oz, of an interview between Lex Fridman and  Chris Voss,  former FBI Negotiator par excellence.  There is one line  I heard from the 90- minute podcast that has had a lasting impact: “ Empathy is in the eye of the beholder.”

As we enter the Hebrew month of Nissan we are acutely aware of our history with slavery and bondage in Egypt.  We are beckoned to experience the feelings of slavery as we work hard cleaning our homes, offices, cars etc.  We are asked to access an internal cleanse and seek empathy with those who are suffering.

The costumes we wore on Purim allowed us to disguise ourselves and become someone else and revel in that pretend, short- lived reality.  Now, as Passover is upon us, we are no longer in disguise and are asked to go into those narrow places within ourselves.

Now in Israel I am living avidly from holiday to holiday, observing Shabbat each week and listening empathetically to one passionate opinion at a time (if that is possible with all the many interruptions!!!)

Yes my dear readers, I am writing to you from the tranquil Israeli town of Pardes Hanna, after having endured many bureaucratic meetings, as many of you read in my first two blogs and weary and worried about our divided nation.

Yes, we just finished celebrating the joyous holiday of Purim, while also hearing  the news of more acts of terrorism and heated protests on the streets aimed at protecting and preserving  our democracy.

Alas….Passover is soon to be upon us and I sigh, and pray that the leaders dare to care for our democratic country of Israel.  I pray that they will find ways to lead with more empathy, and facilitate respectful steps to mend our divisive suffering in our beloved Israel.


Happy Passover to all!

Debbie Havusha

AKA Debbie Winks 



Debbie Havusha

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DebbieWinks – Debbie’s Blog from Israel # 3
