Hebrew Free Loan

Who We Are:
The Hebrew Free Loan Association of Vancouver (HFLA) is a non-profit organization that seeks to foster economic stability and opportunity amongst low and moderate income members of the Jewish community in British Columbia.

What We Do:
We provide access to affordable credit in the form of a 0% interest loan to help our borrowers overcome financial challenges and build better lives.

Why We Do It:
Our mandate is based in Jewish tradition and our goal is to ensure that all members of our community can access the financial support they need to succeed and live happy, healthy lives.

How We Do It:
We use money donated by caring members of our community and lend it out to borrowers in need. We charge absolutely no interest or fees on our loans; borrowers are only required to pay back the amount borrowed and not a single dollar more.

COVID Emergency Loan
Description: Helps support individuals with financial challenges caused by COVID
Loan Amount Available: $2,000
APPLY NOW: www.hfla.ca/covid-application

Debt Relief Loan
Description: Provides relief to those with high-interest debts so that they can get back on the road to financial health
Loan Amount Available: $10,000
APPLY NOW: www.hfla.ca/loan-application-form

Educational Assessment Loan
Description: Helps families with the cost of psycho-educational assessments and initial tutoring
Loan Amount Available: $4,500
APPLY NOW: www.hfla.ca/loan-application-form

Emergency Loan
Description: Helps people meet urgent needs for food or housing
Loan Amount Available: $2,000
APPLY NOW: www.hfla.ca/loan-application-form

General Needs Loan
Description: Helps people with needs not covered by any of our other loan programs
Loan Amount Available: $7,000
APPLY NOW: www.hfla.ca/loan-application-form

Health & Dental Loan
Description: Helps people with health & dental costs not covered by government medical care
Loan Amount Available: $10,000
APPLY NOW: www.hfla.ca/loan-application-form

Israel Travel Experience Loan
Description: Helps families of modest means send their children on an educational Israel experience
Loan Amount Available: $10,000
APPLY NOW: www.hfla.ca/loan-application-form

Legal Assistance Loan
Description: Helps with the cost of legal assistance in the areas of family law, wills, insurance claims and more
Loan Amount Available: $15,000
APPLY NOW: www.hfla.ca/loan-application-form

New Business Loan
Description: Helps people with the expenses of starting a new business
Loan Amount Available: $15,000
APPLY NOW: www.hfla.ca/new-business-application

Security Deposit Loan
Description: Helps people in need of funds for an apartment security deposit
Loan Amount Available: $2,500
APPLY NOW: www.hfla.ca/loan-application-form

Special Needs Loan
Description: Helps people with the costs of home adaptations, mobility aids and other assistive devices
Loan Amount Available: $10,000
APPLY NOW: www.hfla.ca/loan-application-form

Student Loan
Description: Helps students enrolled in full-time school with the costs of tuition, books and living expenses
Loan Amount Available: $12,000
APPLY NOW: https://form.jotform.com/210187069846261

Unemployment Bridge Loan
Description: Helps employable individuals meet their monthly expenses while looking for new work
Loan Amount Available: $5,000
APPLY NOW: www.hfla.ca/loan-application-form

Who can apply for an HFLA Loan?
In order to qualify for an HFLA loan, an applicant must be:
1) Jewish
2) A Canadian Citizen or Permanent Resident
3) Currently living in British Columbia (exceptions made for students who went to High School in B.C.)
4) 19 years of age or older

How do I learn more about your programs?
Please visit our website at www.hfla.ca

If my loan is approved, what happens next?
If your loan is approved, you will be sent a promissory note to sign and a banking information form to complete. If applicable, your guarantors will also be sent a guarantee document to be signed. Once all of these documents have been completed and received in good order, you will receive your loan disbursement.

How do I repay my loan?
Repayment begins within 30 days of loan disbursement and will be done by direct withdrawal from your bank account monthly until your loan is paid back in full.

Is there really no interest or fees?
Really! We are not a bank and our only desire is to help. We never charge any interest or fees on any of our loans.

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