Dynamic FEDtalks Event Launches Federation Annual Campaign in Vancouver

Dynamic FEDtalks Event Launches

Federation Annual Campaign in Vancouver

VANCOUVER, BC (September 21, 2015) – On September 17, 2015 Jewish Federation of Greater Vancouver kicked off the Federation Annual Campaign with a new event: FEDtalks. The event featured short Ted-style talks from four speakers: The Hon. Irwin Cotler, Eli Winkelman, Dafna Lifshitz and Rabbi David Wolpe. More than 700 community members attended the event at the Queen Elizabeth Theatre. High resolution photos are available on request or via Facebook.

“Each speaker delivered a message that was Federation related, from the refugee and migrant crisis, to caring for those facing hunger, to leveling the playing field in Israel’s periphery, to inspiring people to connect more fully with their Jewish identity and values,” said Jewish Federation CEO, Ezra S. Shanken. “Their messages were our messages, and they reflected the soul of who we are as a Federation.”

The Hon. Irwin Cotler addressed issues important to the Vancouver Jewish community – and indeed, to the world – with particular emphasis on Syria and the refugee and migrant crisis. As a well-respected parliamentarian and human rights lawyer, Prof. Cotler brought tremendous depth and breadth of knowledge on the crisis.

Eli Winkelman shared her story of turning the simple act of baking challah into acts of social justice by founding Challah for Hunger, which now has 90 chapters on college campuses in three countries. Ms Winkelman’s work was recognized by President Bill Clinton, who highlighted Challah for Hunger in his book, Giving: How Each of Us Can Change the World.

Dafna Lifshitz, CEO of Appleseeds Academy, addressed her organization’s work bridging the digital divide in Israel’s periphery, and in particular the Net@ program that is supported by Jewish Federation of Greater Vancouver. Through Net@ at-risk youth in our partnership region of the Upper Galilee receive specialized computer training that catapults them into highly-skilled, well-paying jobs, thus helping break the cycle of poverty.

Rabbi David Wolpe, who was named the most influential rabbi in America by Newsweek magazine, also addressed the refugee and migrant crisis, but from a Jewish perspective. Rabbi Wolpe closed the evening with an inspirational message that united the community through our shared values of chesed, tzedakah and tikkun olam.

About the Federation Annual Campaign

The Vancouver Jewish community’s central fundraising initiative, the Federation Annual Campaign, supports critical social services, Jewish education, seniors programs, young adults programs, and fosters ties with our partnership region in Israel. The 2014 Jewish Federation Annual Campaign has closed with a record achievement of $8 million.

Jewish Federation was named a top 20 charity in BC by The Vancouver Sun in 2012 – the most recent to date – and ranked particularly well with respect to its low administrative and fundraising costs.

About Jewish Federation

Jewish Federation of Greater Vancouver is committed to strengthening the quality of Jewish life locally, in Israel and around the world, and to creating a vibrant, caring and inclusive community. Its work is inspired by the Jewish values of: tikkum olam (repairing the world), tzedakah (justice, charity), klal Israel (the unity of all the Jewish people), and chesed (loving kindness).

Jewish Federation works in collaboration with many partners locally, nationally and abroad. Its efforts are combined with other Jewish communities in Canada through Jewish Federations of Canada-United Israel Appeal, and in Israel through Keren Hayesod-United Israel Appeal and the Jewish Agency for Israel.


Click here to view photos from the event!

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Dynamic FEDtalks Event Launches Federation Annual Campaign in Vancouver
