Chesed is Needed

Nelly is a frum Israeli lady from Queens, NY who has tremendous faith in Hashem. She has already undergone surgery in her battle with cancer and faces another surgery in October 2018.

She came to the United States to take care of her father and while here she was stricken with cancer. She has no Social Security benefits. Because of her illness, Nelly cannot work for a while and she has no money to live on. She has no way of supporting herself as she tries to recover.

Her friends have been trying to chip in to buy her food but their resources are limited. Nelly needs to pay for food, a monthly maintenance fee for her apartment and her medical bills.

Every dollar will help tremendously. She has no family to turn to since her father passed away.

Tizku l’Mitzvos!

Please help by donating to her chesed fund here:

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