3 Bridges March for Israel on Sunday, June 9, 11:30am

Hello Community members,

On Sunday, June 9th, at 11:30 three groups will start marching concurrently on the 3 bridges: Cambie, Granville, and Burrard, with Israeli and Canadian flags, posters, and music (on the sidewalks, without disruptions to the traffic). At the end of the march, we’ll all meet together for singing HaTikva and Oh Canada, and a group photo!

This is a peaceful march in support of Israel, our hostages, soldiers, and all Zionists – Jewish and not Jewish. We will be marching with Israeli and Canadian flags, posters, and music. The people of Israel need to see our support today more than ever before. Knowing that diaspora Jews and supporters are with them in spirit, means a world to them. We will share with them the photos and video of marching proud and strong for all of Israel and for all the hostages.

Please, register to join, bring your friends, and help spread the word!

Register HERE



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3 Bridges March for Israel on Sunday, June 9, 11:30am
