Jewish Listings

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Buchan’s Kerrisdale Stationery 2141 W 41 Ave  Vancouver , BC, V6M1Z6 (604)2618510 http://ww...
5750 Oak Street, Vancouver, BC V6M, Canada
950 West 41st Avenue, Vancouver, BC V5Z 2N7, Canada
5750 Oak Street, Vancouver, BC V6M, Canada
(604) 266-1313(604) 266-1313
(604) 263-7934
2860 Dewdney Trunk Road, Coquitlam, BC V3C 2H9, Canada
Burquest is a non-profit organization dedicated to the cultural, religious, social, and education...
8171 Cook Road, Richmond, BC V6Y 3T8, Canada
(604) 447-8808(604) 447-8808
Vancouver, BC, Canada
(604) 276-9282(604) 276-9282
The University of British Columbia, 6145 Student Union Boulevard, Vancouver, BC V6T 2C9, Canada
(604) 224-4748(604) 224-4748
3022 Cambie St. Vancouver, BC V5Z 2V9
(604) 377-7223(604) 377-7223
10220 156 Street Northwest, Edmonton, AB T5P 2R1, Canada
(587) 988-9771(587) 988-9771
989 West 28th Ave Vancouver BC V5Z 0E8
Congregation Beth Israel Are you looking for a place to nourish your Jewish soul? BI is a dynami...
950 West 41st Avenue, Vancouver, BC V5Z 2N7, Canada
(604) 257-5111 ext 207(604) 257-5111 ext 207
Shalhevet Logo - Yossilinks.jpeg
Until 2007, local families who wanted a strong, Torah-true education for their daughters had two ...
785 W 16th Ave Vancouver, BC V5Z 1S8
Our Philosophy Shalhevet Girls High School is committed to fostering in each student love for Has...
Vancouver, BC, Canada
(604) 879-2291(604) 879-2291
B & B Credit Services What We Do High credit card bills? No budget for expenses? Low cash f...
950 West 41st Avenue, Vancouver, BC V5Z 2N7, Canada
(604) 839-3931(604) 839-3931
2351 128 Street, Surrey, BC V4A 3W1, Canada
(604) 542-5454(604) 542-5454
200 - 950 West 41st Avenue, Vancouver
Simply put, Jewish Federation is our community’s centre for Jewish philanthropy. Through our coll...
950 West 41st Avenue, Vancouver, BC V5Z 2N7, Canada
(604) 257-5100(604) 257-5100
Showing 61 - 80 of 85 results